Why Are The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 So Difficult To Understand? 

The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 is a piece of legislation written with a large amount of legalese. Similar to how the Corporations Act 2001 is not an easy piece of legislation to read, neither is the NVR Act 2011. This is why any business that wants to become a new RTO general requires the expertise of a Compliance Consultant to help them decipher the terminology used and the explanations given in the legislative instrument.  

What does the NVR Act 2011 contain? 

There are five parts to the NVR Act 2011 – the introduction, the registration, the accreditation of courses, the power to issue and cancel VET qualifications by the National VET Regulator (which is ASQA), and the investigative powers afforded to ASQA by the Act.  

In-depth information is provided within the Act regarding ASQA’s powers and limitations, the expectations of an NVR registered training organisation (RTO), and what qualifies a registration as well as what conditions need to be abided by to maintain registration. Whilst the legislation is not exhaustive as many industry bodies and those who have been involved with the VET industry for decades would like it to be. 

Is there a simpler version of the Act that is easily readable for starting a new RTO? 

Yes, there is a user guide provided by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) on their website that provides common users such as an RTO business owner, an RTO admin personnel, or a trainer and assessor. This information is located under the RTOs heading. Anyone that is thinking to own their own  RTO should have a look at this website to give you a full guide of what is required.  If you are  starting a Registrated Training organisation and are looking for a more indepth guide then click here.

The user guide developed by ASQA is to guide and assist RTOs in understanding their obligations under the Standards for RTOs 2015, with many practical suggestions and examples given to help RTOs navigate through their compliance obligations.  

The user guide has been sectioned into six chapters – marketing and recruitment, enrolment, support and progression, training and assessment, completion, and regulatory compliance and governance practice.  

Each chapter provides the reader with adequate information on what the expectations are, the clause(s) it relates to, what it means for the RTO, how the RTO can demonstrate compliance to the Standards, as well as one or more practical examples. This is particularly beneficial when there are any grey or uncertain areas.  

Whilst ASQA will not give specific directions about RTOs policies or practices over the telephone, this guide can help you determine if your RTO is within the compliant boundaries, or whether tweaks will need to be enacted to ensure your RTO is operating compliantly to the Standards. 

Can an RTO consultant help me understand the Training Regulator Act 2011?

RTO consultants are designed to help RTO owners and RTO managers understand complex compliance issues and implement them in their RTO. Click here to find an RTO consultant in Australia. If you are thinking of using RTO consulting in your business it makes sense to get one that can help you understand a complex issue in an easy manner you can also find more information by visiting https://www.edna.edu.au/rto-consulting/.